The Monastic Congregation of Saint Scholastica, comprised of 17 Monasteries of
Benedictine Women, was established on February 25, 1922.

2024 Election and Visitation Schedule

2023 Election and Visitation Schedule


        Pittsburgh, PA  - April 25-28, 2024
        Chicago, IL - October 9-12, 2024
        There are no elections during 2024

Spending time at Emmanuel Monastery in Baltimore, Md

Visiting the community at Saint Gertrude Monastery in Newark, DE

Sr Lynn McKenzie spent some time at St Gertrude visiting with the community as they hosted Benedictine Sisters of Christu Jyothi from India. 

Visitation in Pittsburgh, PA

On April 25-28, the Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh welcomed Sr. Lynn McKenzie and Sr. Aileen Bankemper from the Monastic Congregation of St. Scholastica for their canonical visitation. 

Centennial Prayer

I hope that every house in our federation is finding a time and place to regularly pray this prayer this year!

Loving God, we give you thanks
for our Benedictine heritage,
and for the expression of this call and gift in the
communities of the Federation of St. Scholastica.

May our celebration
of the Federation's first 100 years
strengthen us in our spiritual tradition,
deepen our capacity to listen,
widen our hearts with your love,
and sharpen our spiritual vision
that seeks to see Christ in the heart of all Creation
and at the center of our common life.

One in Christ,
may the communities of the Federation,
oblates, benefactors, and friends,
share the peace of Christ,
show the love of Christ,
and make Christ known in our world.

Oración para el Centenario

Espero que cada casa de nuestra federación encuentre un momento y un lugar para rezar regularmente esta oración este año.

Oh Dios de amor, te damos gracias
por nuestra herencia Benedictina
y por la respuesta a ese llamado y
don de las comunidades
de la Federación de Santa Escolástica.

Que la celebración
de los primeros cien años de la Federación
fortalezca esta tradición monástica,
profundice nuestra capacidad de escucha,
ensanche los corazones con tu amor
y afine nuestra visión espiritual
para ver a Cristo en el corazón de toda la creación
y de la vida en común.

Que las comunidades de la Federación,
oblatas y oblatos, benefactores y amistades,
en unión con Cristo,
compartamos su paz,
mostremos su amor,
y le demos a conocer en nuestro mundo.

The Federation of St. Scholastica will celebrate 100 years in 2022. As a means of sharing Benedictine life as a vision unfolding, the Federation is offering a multi-featured website to share our life and values. Click here. Be sure to sign up to receive alerts when new content is posted.

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